Artwork on Canvas


 Each is a unique and hand made mixed media artwork . They are made on heavy duty or pre-primed canvas. All work has a coat of glossy varnish to protect it.

Stretched pieces are stretched on 1 1/2  (one and a half) heady duty stretcher bars and ready to hang. 

I ship these pieces in a cardboard box and well wrapped in bubble wrap and plastic for protection. 

They can be taken off the stretcher bars to be shipped rolled up if customer prefers. Please email me prior to placing an order for adjustment of price.

Unstretched pieces are shipped rolled up in a tube wrapped in plastic wrap for protection.

 I have used a wide range of materials: plastic bags, jute twine, burlap, canvas, acrylic paint, spray paint, to name a few. Most pieces have a lot of texture and mixed media, which is what I enjoy the most. They also contain letter cut outs to create phrases or words. Sometimes I add a poem or a sentence by a philosopher that I just happen to be studying. Pieces contain more elements than what I can describe here given that I do not restrict my work to a specific medium or material.